Sunday, August 27, 2017

Be Responsible

On Friendship Day, our students learned how to be responsible friends who stay on task, include others, and use our tools safely. Responsible Ryan is our expert and his ideas are shown on this anchor chart.

After making friendship salad, we went around the room looking for friends who liked some of the same things we like. Our friend signed our sheet and we signed our name under an item we like on their sheet. We completed our task and made new friends as well.  Just click on the link below the photo to see a short video of our activity.

Friendship Salad Recipe

Fruit cocktail  (representing kind kids)
Chunk pineapple (representing kids who work hard)
Peach chunks (representing kids who share)
Vanilla Yogurt (representing kids who fill buckets)
Mini marshmallows (representing happiness)

When each ingredient was described, the children agreed happily that we needed it in our classroom where we learn and play together. Finally, I showed a very rotten banana which represented behaviors such as name calling, bucket dipping, and kids who refused to follow the rules. The students all agreed that we do not want these behaviors in our Colony of Learners. 

Eclipse on August 21, 2017

We learned about the solar eclipse in the classroom, posed with our solar eclipse glasses, and watched the eclipse NASA's coverage online.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

A Wonderful Start to Kindergarten

The first week of kindergarten was filled with many activities. We are celebrating each child, one at a time as Special Student of the Day. We have been learning our school rules, we are getting to know one another, we are building our stamina, and we had our first Show and Tell.

School Rule Number One -Be Respectful

As we are learning the school rules we have turned to some experts to help us. Rachel reminds us to be respectful. Our anchor chart has our ideas about respect. The students pointed out that they should remember to share with their friends and respect each others' personal space. We took some photos to show good examples of these important ways to show respect and make our classroom a great place to learn. Please watch for more good examples for the other school rules.