Sunday, January 28, 2018

Measurement Unit

We have been learning about measuring the length and height of objects. This week we will work on comparing the weight of objects. The students are very interested in these hands-on activities of measurement.

The 100th Day of School

Miss Masters took our photos and used an app called The Aging Booth to see what we would look like when we turned 100. They are all very cute. She then had the students write about what they will be doing when they are that age. She posted them on our bulletin board. We have had many compliments about her activity. Here is her photo---too cute!

Miss Masters also helped us create a snack with 100 items. The boys and girls used their 100 items from home to compare their lengths and their weight. We had a fun day learning about our first three digit numeral.

January 29 Star of the Week

Wesley has a variety of interests. He enjoys guitar, soccer, Taekwondo, and Art. He enjoys reading, he likes chickens and guinea pigs, and he likes The Power Rangers. Thank you for sharing your favorites and family photos!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Cold January Weather Brings Indoor Recess

The boys and girls love to design and create elaborate bridges and buildings with the blocks during our indoor recess! 

A Gingerbread Boy Made His Way Across the Atlantic

Wesley's gingerbread boy first traveled to New York City which is home of Times Square, Broadway, and the One World Trade Center. Next, he flew across the Atlantic Ocean to Oxford, England. England is the country where Queen Elizabeth lives. Oxford is just outside of London. Oxford University is famous and lots of scenes from Harry Potter films were filmed there.

January 22 Star of the Week

Braylee enjoys Art, soccer, counting, and her dog. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up. Her surprise item was golden, goes around your neck, and that part is soft. It was a soccer medal. Good clues, Braylee.

January 17 Star of the Week

Falcon likes his cat, Anna. He likes to fish and play baseball. His surprise item was an emblem from his mom's car when she was a teenager, a Ford Falcon. How cool. Thanks, Falcon.

Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8 Star of the Week

Cali loves to read, do art, and swim. When she grows up she wants to be a singer. Thank you for sharing your photographs, your favorites, and your art projects. We also enjoyed trying to guess your surprise item.

Second Quarter 100 Book Readers

Braylee, Brinleigh, Aiden, Callie H., Cali C., and Devin read 100 books during second quarter. They got to eat lunch with Mrs. Helus, our principal. Great job boys and girls! I know we will have even more students who reach this goal during third quarter.

Gingerbread Kids Return to School

 Both Daylin and Hunter's flat gingerbread boys traveled to our neighboring state, Kansas. Daylin's gingerbread taught us that Kansas is the Sunflower State, there is lots of flat land in Kansas, and you can go shopping at the Legends in the state of Kansas. It was very cold like here in Missouri during his travels.
Hunter's flat gingerbread visited the Kaw Mission, The Katy Depot, saw some deer, and witnessed The Geminid Meteor Shower in December.

Math Counting On Activity

The students were highly engaged as they searched for the ten frames hidden around the room. Next the boys and girls recorded the number to represent the objects on the ten frame. Finally, they wrote the next two numbers in the count sequence (counting on).