Saturday, April 28, 2018

Hatching Chicks

The kids were so excited when five of our eggs hatched on April 24. You can see photos of them inside the incubator, in their new larger habitat once they were dry and ready to eat, and of the kids holding the chicks. We enjoyed learning about the chick life cycle.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

When We Grow Up

Please click on the link below to hear us speak about what we want to be when we grow up! Hope you enjoy. Some of us were pretty nervous, but all did a great job speaking clearly and audibly for our audience.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Career Dress Up Day

We enjoyed dressing up on Thursday as we reinforced the lessons Mrs. Doutt taught in Guidance about the different Career Paths. The kids wrote about their career choice, they spoke about it in front of the green screen, and they enjoyed visiting the various career stations for free choice time. We had a career puzzle station, career books and puppets, career dolls, career dress up, and a career manipulatives station.

Career Day Speakers

Kindergarten invited four speakers to the Pleasant Hill Primary School last Tuesday. We learned about what Mayor C.J. Hicks does as the mayor of Pleasant Hill, and he taught us abut city government through Paw Patrol. The students were very engaged and asked some very smart questions.

We also learned about the responsibilities of an operating room nurse from Mrs. Jenny Kimrey.

Officer Justin Ewing, Mrs. Ewing's husband, taught us all about being a State Trooper.

We also learned from Mrs. Angie Lincoln about working at a bank.

April 23 Star of the Week

Asher enjoys baseball and golf. His favorite pet is dogs. He likes P.E., Music, and playing sports. When he grows up, he wants to be a You Tuber creating videos. Thank you for sharing, Asher!

Friday, April 13, 2018

April 16 Star of the Week

Wolfgang wants to be a baseball player when he grows up. He likes to hop, jump, motor cross, baseball, the TV show Tom and Jerry, the book The Incredible Intergalactic Journey Home, and making his baby brother, Magnus, laugh. His surprise item was his adorable baby brother. Thanks, Wolfgang, for sharing today!

Paradise Park Learning and Fun

Thank you to all parents who helped us supervise the kids at Paradise Park on Wednesday. We learned more about planting by visiting four stations. At one station we learned about monocot (one seed leaf) and dicot (two seed leaves) flowering plants. We pretended to be the seed and our arms were the leaves. After this we opened a bean seed to see the two seed leaves and the root.

At another station, we planted three bean seeds. We learned that all seeds need soil, warmth and light from the sun, water, and oxygen. I hope your child remembered to ask you to help them find a sunny window, open the container, and give his/her seeds some water.

We also went to the art station to create our own seed, showing the embryo, the food storage, and the seed coat. This was a bean seed with the two seed leaves (dicot).

The last learning station was time to make a pudding snack. We planted three M & M seeds in the pudding dirt, added a gummy worm to make space for our seeds to grow and get oxygen, and we added graham cracker crumb fertilizer on top to help our seeds grow. Yum! Yum!

After our learning stations on planting, the kids were able to enjoy some fun at Pretend Village, outside, water play, face painting, and foam factory.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Third Quarter 100 Book Readers

These students were awarded a Sonic Wacky Pack coupon today at our All School Assembly for reading 100 books during third quarter. Good job, kids! We already have a few students who have read a total of 100 books now and will be recognized near the end of  fourth quarter. Also, we sent home a fourth quarter goal sheet with a book list in an attempt to get everyone to complete at least one list before the end of kindergarten. Research shows that children who read at least twenty minutes a night most often perform on or above grade level in language arts.

Devin, Hunter, Wolfgang, Wesley, Aiden, Cali C., Brinleigh, and Silvia read 100 books third quarter!