Friday, September 15, 2017

Teddy Bear Day

 Thank you, families, for helping us pack our teddies/buddies for our special day! Each child used his stuffed animal for the math activities shown below, shared it for Show and Tell, and enjoyed teaching his furry friend the school rules!

 We had a fabulous time going on a bear hunt as we hiked to some trees near the practice field for our teddy bear picnic.

 We even had story time and sang many bear songs while outside enjoying the beautiful weather.

 We worked so hard sharing our paper bear projects with the class. We video taped this pre-writing activity in order to get our ideas to write during writer's workshop. You can view your child's short video by visiting my You Tube account by clicking on this link: Teddy Bear Videos

Thank you very much for creating the projects at home which inspired our writing and created a nice bulletin board display. The children are very proud of their work.

Miss Master's helped us review her sorting lessons. We sorted our animals by color and counted the sets. We sorted by size while creating a real graph. We compared the sets using our math vocabulary greater and fewer. We even sorted our animals by shape since we had a few non-bears.

We also used our stuffed animals to practice our positional words: in front of, behind, above, below, beside, between.